I spent a good 20min in the bathroom doing some serious contortions in effort to check the right side of my body for further signs of small red blistery dots (yes yes Shingles!). Have been feeling a bit tired and under the weather of late and when I woke to find my right knee all aflame....(see pic below).....I admit I did a little freak out.
2 coffees later however and I am now forced to rank this episode above the sewing a blanket to my trackies incident of June 19th in my gallery of crafter embarassments.
Reason: To avoid unwanted stitch-clothing incidents which have been threatening on my current applique heavy project, I have tended to roll up my trakcies or pyjama's or whatever my chosen crafting outfit might be and applique away using my knee to stablise the work. I came to this method as I was confident that I am unlikely to applique the snakes and ladders on ella's birthday blanket to my own skin.
So after joining the dots (ahoy a pun?!) I realised that the dots were infact the self inflicted wounds of a serious crafter. Yes I have been spearing myself repeatedly for the last 3 nights.
The most obvious question facing me is why didn't I notice this 'spearing' and therefore avoid worrying myself about how I would cope with a contagious and very painful disease while sharing the joys of my youngest's 1st birthday my oldest's 5th birthday and her first day at school all happening over the coming week or so (you get a sense of my rising panic?).....
I can't tell you the relief I'm now feeling, knowing it is all quite harmless and simply the result of a pleasantly plump knee, and a couple more glasses of wine than is wise.
I won't resort to wearing crafter's chaps or a teflon apron etc but I will wear my wounds with pride as a badge honouring my growing skill and prolific output.
It's also with great pride that I announce that as of Saturday I officially entered the world of 'professional' textile artist recieving payment for my first sale of 3 blankets (including 2 commissions). Thankfully all I feel now is smug and not the slightest bit itchy so it seems there really is no better time for me to "Hang out my Shingle" in earnest!
.....(hahahaha - gold star homonym humour anyone?)