An enjoyable part of my treatment for reigning in my squandering of cash has been finding simple pleasures on the internet. No not those sorts of sites, rather I have found my eye candy fix on sites devoted to street fashion. I happily wander through my favourite every day, sometimes a couple of times if I need to. Scott Schuman the man behind the site is a bit of a guru in the world of fashion photography I gather, but more from the perspective of recognising exceptional style in everyday people. I don't recognise many of the people in his pics, they're not celebs etc - he doesn't list what labels they are wearing, he just takes their picture because they are interesting to look at. His photos remind me that being 'fashionable' is not nearly as fun or expressive as being 'stylish' and to achieve style its not what you spend on the clothes its about investing time and personality into how you present yourself.
The reason I'm posting all this though is because I have found our very own NZ site doing the same type of street style fashion pics . Its put together by Wallace Chapman and its pretty cool to see the array of interesting people on our own doorstep. There is also a fab competition giveaway for May - prize being a very cool swandri bag....visit the blog above to enter.
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